DOOM -> BUILD Notes (8/17/95): WAD2MAP.EXE and WAD2ART.EXE programmed by Ken Silverman Hello BUILDers: I made a DOOM to BUILD converter. It's not perfect, but it works pretty darn well. I thank Matthew S. Fell ( for providing the unofficial DOOM spec where I got most of my information from. There are 2 ways you can use my converter programs: 1. Converting doom maps using DOOM ART. This method is useful for viewing a doom map in the BUILD editor or for viewing the artwork in EDITART. Remember that if you wanted the game to run with doom's artwork, you may as well play the real doom! (And Apogee wouldn't want that to happen!) 2. Converting doom maps using DUKE3D ART (or your own art) & TAGS by using a script file. To convert maps using this method, you can run WAD2MAP.EXE with the additional script filename parameter as described below. WAD2ART: Command line: Wad2Art [Doom IWAD file] Wad2art creates all the necessary files needed to use Doom maps except for the map files themselves. It will make these 3 files in the current directory: TILES000.ART - All the texture data PALETTE.DAT - VGA palette, shade lookups, (*)transluscent table NAMES.H - The Wad directory listed as defines, useful for editors. Example: C:\TEMP>wad2art c:\doom\doom.wad This will create TILES000.ART, PALETTE.DAT, and NAMES.H in C:\TEMP. Warning: NEVER RUN WAD2ART IN A DIRECTORY THAT HAS ART, PALETTE.DAT, or NAMES.H files that you need! (*) If you want to use transluscence, you will need to run TRANSPAL.EXE on the palette file. It will add a 64K lookup table at the end of palette.dat. If you do not do this, then transluscence won't work with the palette. WAD2MAP: Command line: Wad2Map (PWADName) IWADName MapName (ScriptName) Example #1: C:\TEMP>wad2map c:\doom\doom e1m1 The above will create E1M1.MAP with doom textures in the current directory. Example #2: C:\TEMP>wad2map c:\doom\doom e1m1 kenbuild.txt The above will create E1M1.MAP with converted textures/tags in the current directory. Example #3: C:\TEMP>wad2map c:\doom\mypwad c:\doom\doom e1m1 The above will create E1M1.MAP from the PWAD with doom textures in the current directory. Example #4: C:\TEMP>wad2map c:\doom\mypwad c:\doom\doom e1m1 kenbuild.txt The above will create E1M1.MAP from the PWAD with converted textures/tags in the current directory. You can run WAD2MAP.EXE to convert any doom map, including maps from DOOM1 or DOOM2 in IWADs or PWADs. I included a sample script file, KENBUILD.TXT. Try it and see how it works with my game! There are directions on how to use the script file in the script file itself. TRANSPAL.EXE: Command line: TRANSPAL [numshades][transluscence percentage][r][g][b] Ex #1: transpal 32 170 30 59 11 ÀÄÄÁÄÄÁÄÄÄ The RGB scales are optional\n"); Transluscence percentage is 0 for invisible and 255 for opaque. Use TRANSPAL.EXE to create a transluscence table to PALETTE.DAT. Make sure you have PALETTE.DAT in the directory before running TRANSPAL.EXE. If the table does not already exist, it will add a 64K lookup table to the end of PALETTE.DAT. If you do not do this, then transluscence won't work when you use the BUILD editor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doom & Doom II are (c) 1993-1996 id Software, Inc.